
Parent Handbook
Update 03/2013
Available in print form.

Michele Bowers
40 Marshall Drive, Waukee
515.490.7361 or Text if messages full

Experience and Bio

I am a graduate of Des Moines and I attended Iowa State University with emphasis in business.  Upon birth of my son in June, 1989, through July, 2000, I provided in-home day care and preschool program in Coralville, Iowa.  

Child Care and Preschool Activities

I provide a fun but structured, learning environment designed for learning readiness.   Children will participate at early ages.   Children will, however, start taking part in structured projects requiring detailed skills as early as age 2.   All children will be introduced to daily activities such as calendar, songs, coloring pages, etc.  Children at ages 2 – 2 ½ will start participating in the readiness program.    Activities are designed for a 3 year period and the children will not do the same activity more than once, however, the material content such as letters, numbers, manners, etc. is repetitive.

Parents need to be aware that we will celebrate American traditional holidays in the preschool units and activities.  I do not teach religion. 

Hours and Days Child Care Available   7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

I provide care from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.   Late fees of $1.00 per minute will occur after 5:30.    If you are late, please extend a courtesy telephone call.    All extended fees will be included in your next payment.  I understand that emergencies and bad weather occur and I will be flexible in those circumstances.   Please do not take advantage of my extended good faith. 

Pick Up of Child(ren)

If other than a parent will be picking up the child, please notify me ahead of time.   You and the party picking up your child will be responsible for proper car seat arrangements. 

Deposit  and Admission to pay in good faith.

Every family is provided with a print copy of my Handbook and agreement to sign.  A two week deposit is required to secure your position.   This deposit will represent your first and last weeks of day care/preschool with me upon terminating this agreement in the future.

By starting your child(ren) with my daycare, you are agreeing to the terms in my Handbook and agree to pay in good faith.   Additional family members will follow the same terms.    

When current clients are expecting a baby and wish for me to hold an upcoming vacancy for your child, a deposit of the first week will be required to hold the spot.   Upon a family decision to choose other arrangements such as stay home, grandparents, etc, and not bring the infant to me, a two-week paid notice will be required in addition to the deposit and the deposit becomes non-refundable. 

Rates and Payment Date

Fee structure is a full-time rate whether the child attends or not.  

Full-time Weekly Rates        Newborn to 1 years old            $165.00
                                               1 years to 5 years old               $150.00 
(all full-time rates include breakfast, AM snack, Lunch and PM snack)
Part-time Daily Rates           Per day                                     $  40.00
                                               Position up 3 days/wk               $100.00

Before and After School Weekly – I'm located at a              $100.00
Payment is due each Friday for the upcoming week services.   There will be a $10 late fee assessed for payments made after 6:00 p.m. each Friday.   Receipts will be available the next business day.

Returned Checks

All returned checks will be a $35.00 NSF fee PLUS any late fees or bank charges I accrue due to the returned check.   There will be a $10.00 per day charge until the issue is paid in full and resolved.  If it happens twice, the clients will be required to pay by Cash or money order only.


First and foremost, I have and serve peanut butter and nut items on premises.  I cannot guarantee cross contamination with other utensils or foods.   Also, I serve hotdogs at a minimum due to choking hazard.  

Meals served during the day will always include servings from the basic food groups and the majority of my meals are homemade and prepared with fresh produce.   I have a menu for each Season of the year.   This allows for the children to experience foods from the current crops being produced.  Also, the children will get an opportunity to try foods from other countries.   Each month we studied a place and I will provide kid style dishes for them to try.   Parents will receive a copy of a six-week rotating menu.    Parents will need to be required to supply formula and baby food for their child.  I am always open to suggestion and recipes, so please share.   The below times are approximate. Accom-modations will be made so every child gets to eat if arrives or leaves early.   One child each day will be assigned as my helper.   They will help with a task that is age appropriate such as placemats, cups etc.   This always helps a child with pride of accomplishment and responsibility.

               Breakfast           8:00                              
               AM Snack          9:45
               Lunch               11:45-12:15
               PM Snack          3:45

Birthdays and Special Occasions

You may bring a treat for us to share at snack time only if you would like to.   No gum or candy due to the range of ages and might not be appropriate for everyone.   Best treats are cookies and Rice Krispie treats.  Cupcakes are too messy.   Prepackage or company package products are acceptable.

Nap Time

All children will be required to nap or rest.   After lunch time is story time and leads into nap time or quiet time for older children.   Nap time is approximately 1 ½ to 2 hrs but no more.  Children will not sleep past 3:00 pm unless age appropriate such as infant to 1 year old will nap as needed.  I provide a nap mat, blanket and pillow if they want one or playpen.

Children scheduled to leave during nap time will nap separate from the other children.   Also, I will watch for the parent due to the doorbell makes our dog bark.  This helps by allowing the other children not to be disturbed and get proper rest/quiet time. 


I will notify you immediately if your child is showing visible signs of being ill such as vomiting, have uncontrollable diarrhea, or high temp (over 101.5 F).   Children with an infectious condition can return to day care/preschool after being symptom free or on antibiotics for 24 hr period.   Parents are required to notify me if you gave them feven/pain meds before coming to my home and if their child is contagious so I may let the other parents beware of the illness and look for oncoming symptoms.  This is very important with the croup as this affects small children and infants in different ways and deadly for those with a breathing disorder like asthma.

Scheduled Days (Holidays and Vacation)

I will provide each family with my days off for the entire year.   Of course, throughout the year unexpected things happen and require unscheduled leave. 


The Holidays listed below are paid holidays and early closing times.  If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, I will take the official observed either Friday or Monday.   My yearly schedule will be noted.  

                        New Year’s Day 
                        Memorial Day                                   
                        4th of July, Federal Observance  
                        Labor Day 
                        Thanksgiving and the day after
                        Christmas Eve, close at 4:00 pm
                        Christmas Day 
                        New Years Eve, close at 4:00 pm

Personal Vacation

I will have two weeks of paid vacation to be taken in one week increments but not consecutively and will be noted at the beginning of the year.  I will also have floating days additional personal days that will be taken as needed throughout the year for personal days, funerals, doctor appointments or if sick days etc.  I will provide as much notice as I can due to the nature of these incidents.   My individual days do not carry over. 

Child Absent Days or Vacation

Parents are responsible for payment even if the child is not here.

Back-Up Provider

In my previous experience of 10 years, I only called in twice due to illness and once was labor pains and the other the flu.   I know my future holds no more labor pains.

But just in case, have a back-up provider or family member available or be flexible with your own schedule.  

Toilet Training

Parents with children who are ready to begin the potty training process, should bring 3-4 changes of clothes per day-accidents will happen, it’s guaranteed.    Do not dress children in bibs, suspenders, zip and snap pants or one piece outfits.   This only hinders the full process of timing to get to the bathroom in time.   Sweat pants, leggings, or any elastic waist clothing is appropriate. 

It is difficult to say when a child is ready to start potty training.   There is no magical age that it happens.   Parents seem to be more ready than the child most of the time.   Some signs would be the willingness to set on a potty chair, excited about big boy/girl underwear, keeping dry during evening and nap time or some kids just get interested cause the big kids do it.   Every child is different. 

Please remember, a fully, trained toddler does not have to be ask or reminded to use the restroom.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to take the same child to the bathroom every 30 minutes and read books, which is training me not them.

Extra Clothing

Please provide 1 or 2 extra sets of clothes for your child that is seasonally correct.  Spring and Fall is difficult because it is cool and warm at the same time.  We do projects and they will get messy.  Do not send your child in expensive clothing you wouldn’t want paint on.   If they have an appointment, I would be more than happy to clean them up and change them for you.


I have age appropriate toys for both boys and girls.   As I grow, I will accumulate more.   If I don’t have a toy or book, please feel free to make the suggestion.  I want your child’s experience to be fun and learning.    All children will be encouraged to share.   Some items I will have duplicates of, but not everything.   Indoors and outdoors will have both small and large motor skill activities.  It is also best for children not to bring toys from home on a daily basis due to a sharing issue.

Outdoor Play

Outdoor plays is always weather permitting.   Most of the time we will be able to be outside from April to October.  January and February we stay inside a lot due to the bitter cold.   For cold weather play, everyone must bring appropriate clothing.  We will venture outside if above 40 degrees.   For warm weather play, I will provide an SPF sunscreen and venture outside if under 90 degrees temp or heat index.   Even little ones can dehydrate quickly in hot temperatures.   When hot outside, I provide water for a drink.    I have a fenced in back yard.   I have several large pieces of equipment to climb on to promote and use their large motor skills and have several areas that will require small motor skills and imagination play.   

Field Trips

In times of nice weather, we will take walks.   I do not transport children to or from preschool. 

Discipline of Children

I use positive reinforcement and I talk to the children at their level.   I will not use or afflict physical, emotional, or belittling punishments towards child.  I will encouraging problem solving between peers, intervention and discussion, and redirect to another play area, timeout, or loss of use or privileges. 


Before I can administer any non-prescription medicines or prescription medications, a permission must be given verbally or by a note signed by parent or guardian.   All medicines, sunscreens, bug repellent, diaper ointments, lotions, etc. must be in the original container and be correctly labeled.  Non-prescription items must be labeled with the child’s name and dosage clearly indicated.   Prescription medication must be current date and in child’s name, and may not be used on or for another child.

Emergency Plans

We will practice monthly fire and tornado drills.   Tornado shelter will be downstairs.


I cannot and will not discriminate against any child on the basis of sex, creed, religion, or nationality.  I will treat each child with patience, respect, kindness and providing a nurturing, loving environment.


Parents are to acknowledge that each stage of development is met by mishaps and injuries.  Parents are responsible for providing medical insurance for their children.   Injuries are bound to happen and are a natural stage in the learning, growth and development stages.   Whether learning to walk or racing to the slide, injuries will happen and I cannot be everywhere at once. 


In case of a serious emergency, my policy is to call 9-1-1 for assistance and then notify the parents.  Any ambulance, hospital or physician expenses are the responsibility of the parent or guardian. 
Otherwise, minor incidents will be dealt with and band aids applied as needed and incident report completed.    Parents will be notified of any injuries. 

Abuse – Mandatory Reporting 

As a Mandatory Reporter, I am required by law to report to the local social service office any suspected physical, emotional, sexual or suspected neglect of a child.


This contract between provider and parents/guardian may be terminated by either party by providing a required two, full business-week notice.   Your one week prepaid deposit will be used towards the last week of child care whether your child attends that period or not.

Prior to First Day

Please provide the following at least 1 week prior to your first day or when completed.  Please see paragraph for Deposit and Admission to pay in good faith.
1.    Signed contract agreement
2.    Completed emergency form, immunization form and other forms requiring a signature

First Day of Attendance

Please bring the following with you your first day with me.

1.     Complete change of clothes for your cubby
2.    Bag of diapers or pull-ups and wipes
3.    Formula or baby food
4.    Non-prescription medication, labeled as statement in the Handbook.
5.    Any other necessities your child will require.